Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Urgent need of outsideness

When he has to go, he sits by the door until one of us notices.

Looking for his ball

I told him it was under the bed, but it wasn't really.

Also, he got groomed today and he's super skinny. For reference, go to the picture of him sleeping on his side a couple of posts down and you'll see how fluffy he was.

Favorite pastime

Besides sleeping, this is how he passes his time.


The view from the hill on Spicewood Springs at Capital of TX during rush hour

My perverted puppy

Picture taken by Rhoumer when I was in the shower

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Hiding in daddy's jeans

He likes to sleep under Rhoumer's jeans and I caught him peaking out.

Friday, April 25, 2008


In the afternoons, he looks out the patio door and waits for Rhoumer to get home from work.

What is he eating?

I probably caught him in the middle of chewing up papers he got from the trash can..

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Every afternoon

This is how he stretches out and sleeps.

My outdoor home office

Complete with guard puppy!

Bullet puppy!

His face is aerodynamic!

This is my favoritest puppy in the whole wide world. His name is Tesla and he is the main reason I'm making this blog. My friends on facebook are pretty much fed up with seeing pictures of him all over facebook so I'm going to use this to post the phone pics that I take of him (and I take MANY).

This picture was taken in the car on the way home from Bull Creek dog park in Austin. As you can see, he was in the creek and picked up most of the park's dirt in his fur..